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Body acne most frequently appears on the back and chest. You may not realize the prevalence of body acne since most people are normally wearing clothes, but more than half of people with facial acne have some amount of body acne. The reasons are simple.
Since we understand the causes of acne, we also know what can make it worse.So let’s get right into it.
Avoid irritation
One of the factors that can make acne worse is physical irritation of the skin. This is so well accepted in scientific literature that it has its own name acne mechanica. Anything that rubs against your skin can cause irritation. While sweat itself should not cause acne, damp, sweaty clothing combined with irritation tends to exacerbate irritation and further aggravate existing acne.Try this:
Look for a body cleanser that contains fruit acids.
Fruit acids have been shown to help with acne, so choosing a mild soap or cleanser that contains one of these acids may help to control your body acne. For example, you could look for a cleanser that contains citric acid, which comes from citrus fruits. Other fruit acids include glycolic, gluconic, malic and tartaric acids.
Wash your skin no more than twice per day.
Tone your skin with witch hazel.
Witch hazel has powerful astringent properties, so it may help with body acne. It is also safe to use on your skin.After cleansing, try wiping your body acne with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel. Then, follow up this treatment with a light moisturizer.
Use aloe vera to moisturize your skin.
Aloe vera can help to keep your skin moisturized and it may also provide some anti-acne benefits.Try using aloe vera as a daily moisturizer for your skin after cleansing. For example, you could replace your usual body lotion with a layer of pure aloe vera gel.
Try tea tree oil gel.
A five percent concentration of tea tree oil gel may help as a topical application for symptoms. Its effects have been compared to benzoyl peroxide, which is a medicine that is included in some topical acne-fighting skin products. Apply the gel to your skin daily. Make sure that your skin is clean and dry before you apply the gel. Tea tree oil has a strong smell. Some people experience redness and irritation from tea tree oil. Test it on a small patch of your skin before more general application.
You may replace tea tree oil with homemade “green tea” astringent.
Spend a little time in the sun.
At the end of the day, know that you need to treat your acne, and not just eliminate symptoms.
We want to hear from you! What do you do over the summer to combat body acne?