Submit your skincare questions to Dr. Agnes, CEO of Herborium and natural medicine expert
As a parent of a child who had acne as a teen, and as a natural medicine specialist who has helped thousands of teens overcome acne, I’m very aware of the emotional turmoil that comes with this bothersome skin condition. As adults, we know that acne is temporary but as a teenager, it can seem that the end of the world is rapidly approaching. It is painful to hear and witness the visible effects of teenage acne and how it negatively impacts your child. When it comes to acne, parents often don’t know how to console their child while assuring them they aren’t alone and that the problem is temporary and treatable.
During the adolescent years, acne is more than skin deep. The emotional effects of acne on a teenager can impact how they feel about themselves. Acne can result in low self-confidence, negative self image, anti-social behavior, depression and suicidal thoughts. The fragile self esteem of a teenager makes it difficult for them to put their best face forward when it is covered with “imperfections.” In addition to the myriad of negative implications arising from teenage acne, left untreated, acne can leave permanent scars.
Acne is the most common skin disease in the U.S. 85-90% of the population between the ages of 12 and 25 will experience acne. Hormone levels, specifically the androgen related hormones, increase during puberty and stimulate the glands that produce sebum. As a result, these glands produce more sebum, which tends to clog the pores of the skin and entrap dead skin cells, supporting the growth of bacteria and initiating the acne cascade of pimple development. Where there is more sebum, there is a higher likelihood of comedones (white heads and blackheads) as well as the development of inflammatory acne pimples.
Studies have shown that more recently puberty is beginning earlier than in the past. It is not uncommon for children to experience puberty as early as the age of 7. With the onset of puberty, acne can be expected to make an appearance. Most children begin puberty between the ages of 10-13 with girls developing acne around the age of 11 and boys around the age of 13. Boys produce 10 times the amount of androgen as girls and therefore tend to develop more severe cases of acne.
There are many factors that contribute to acne. As a parent, some of these are easier than others to monitor and/or control.
Due to the serious emotional side effects of acne, parents really need to play an active part in their teenager’s daily life. Most teens are more affected by their acne than they verbalize. Depression and/or anxiety related to acne can lead to long-term psychological effects.
AcnEase® is an excellent resource for this troubling time for both you and your teen. Don’t take it from us, we can connect you with many Moms who have been in a similar situation, and whose teens have gotten rid of their acne from using our 100% all botanical acne treatment. Not only can AcnEase® treat current breakouts, it will prevent future ones from surfacing. This is why AcnEase® is unique – through prevention, it breaks the cycle of acne once and for all.
By targeting and reducing the influence of hormones on sebaceous gland secretions, AcnEase® prevents the formation of future acne outbreaks. Hormonal teen acne occurs in astounding numbers, and anyone can be affected. By choosing AcnEase® for your teen, you eliminate and prevent acne at the source and don’t have to worry about the potential side effects of using prescriptions (or worse yet, off-label prescriptions). In addition to the myriad of side effects that can happen during the teenage years, acne can leave long term emotional scars as well as permanent physical scars. Instead of avoiding the mirror, their friends and social activities, they are able to put their best face forward and enjoy this memorable time in their life.
If you have a teenager going through a difficult time with acne, how are you dealing with it? We would love to hear your comments below. We’ve worked closely with many Moms to help their teens overcome this difficult stage, so we welcome the opportunity to do the same with you and your child.