3 Reasons Why You're Still Struggling with Acne

3 Reasons Why You're Still Struggling with Acne

June is acne awareness month, and it's important to celebrate those acne sufferers who have made significant strides in their fight with breakouts. However, there are still many out there who struggle to keep their acne under control. This article is dedicated to them!

If this sounds like your experience, please remember that you are not alone-there are many people out there who have put a significant amount of effort and perseverance towards beating acne for good. While everyone's situation is a little bit different, there are some common reasons why you're not seeing the results you want. Below, we take a look at three factors that may be holding you back in your fight against acne.

You're too caught up with the latest trends.

Being disillusioned with acne "miracle cures" is understandable-the companies that produce them do their best to make them seem incredible and ... a cure for everyone. This may not always be a total truth. However, even the best treatment when used sporadically or not given the proper amount of time to perform, may prove to be disappointing. If you find yourself hopping from one new treatment to the next, chances are you're going to continue to struggle with breakouts.

This happens for several reasons. For one, many of these products simply don't work. As great as this would be, there is simply no quick fix for acne, and anyone trying to sell you something that can "instantly" help your skin become clear is not telling you the truth. Secondly, jumping from product to product doesn't give them (even those products that may be helpful) time to take effect. In fact, even products with a proven track record of success, if not used consistently and for the recommended period of time, will not provide the expected or lasting results. As a general rule, it's best to give a treatment at least a month or two before deciding whether it is effective or not. If the time span is any shorter than this, you run the risk of missing out on something that may actually be effective for you and your skin.

You've convinced yourself that your acne will go away on its own.There's a myth that acne is simply a teenage problem and will go away in time by itself. Wrong! Often, the problem will persist for years, even decades. If left untreated, acne may lead to more severe issues such as acne scars and marks, and psychological concerns including depression, low self-esteem or social withdrawal.

If you've recently put your teenage years behind you, you might simply be waiting for your breakouts to decrease naturally. Unfortunately, chances are the waiting is not going to provide you with the results you expect. Epidemiological data confirms that at least 30% of the adult population struggles with acne, and if you've experienced it as a teenager, your chances of it persisting increase significantly.

Few life problems resolve themselves on their own, and acne is not an exception to this rule. Unless you take a proactive approach to treatment, it's likely that your breakouts will continue to damage your skin long into your adult years. Starting an acne treatment as early as possible is one of the key factors in successfully breaking the cycle of acne.

You're only thinking about the symptoms of acne, not what causes it.

It's easy to become preoccupied with reducing the appearance of your breakouts. Whiteheads, blackheads, and cysts are the one part of the acne equation that is most visible and disturbing to us and everyone around us. However, if you focus ONLY on camouflaging those external manifestations with make-up, creams, ointments, lotions or cleansers and still aren't seeing significant results, chances are you're focusing on the wrong part of the equation. Treating or covering ONLY the symptoms of acne- may reduce them and their visibility temporarily, but until you address the cause, they will continue to return.

At its most basic, acne is a hormonal problem. The most prevailing culprits are androgens (testosterone) that remain free in the bloodstream and this may affect many other organs including the skin, which is the largest organ in the body. The skin "hosts" sebaceous glands that produce skin oil (sebum), that under normal circumstances, is needed to maintain the health of the skin. However, an excess of sebum (skin oil) is the result of over-stimulation of the sebaceous glands and will lead to acne. Too much sebum will clog your pores, trap dirt and dead skin cells, provide the perfect conditions for acne-causing bacteria to thrive, and create an endless cycle of breakouts. Until you do something to break this chain, this process will continue.

AcnEase® has properties that allow it to break the cycle of acne without directly affecting the hormone levels. It safely and naturally "moderates" your skin's response to hormones, so that the production of sebum returns to a healthier level. With it, you can say goodbye to your acne for good!

With a promise of clear skin,
Dr. A

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