Submit your skincare questions to Dr. Agnes, CEO of Herborium and natural medicine expert
When most people think of acne, those little red dots on the surface of the skin come to mind, and the most practiced solution for dealing with them is to zap those suckers dry until they disappear completely. But did you know that there’s a certain type of acne that exists below the surface? It’s called cystic acne, and it’s not your average pimple!
Cystic acne is the most rare form of acne. While more common among men than women, cystic acne has the potential to affect anyone, regardless of sex, age, race, or other identifiers. While the cause of cystic acne is unknown, an imbalance involving the androgen hormones are believed to play a large part in its formation. Cystic acne can be especially hard to treat as symptoms develop below the surface of the skin, resulting in swollen, often painful red bumps resembling boils. Although many topical solutions are simply marketed to “fight acne,” not all are created to combat cysts, and because acne comes in a variety of types, some requiring a different course of treatment than others, it is important to learn your acne type to ensure the best results.
If you have cystic acne, read on to learn more about your specific acne type, with a few surprising facts you may not have heard before!
As with any type of acne, the only way to experience real results in terms of treatment is to approach the problem with preventative measures. Because cystic acne is caused by a hormonal imbalance, which triggers sebaceous gland to produce more sebum than needed, a topical treatment will be too late in getting to the problem, making the case for cystic acne an inside job. Sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet can go a long way in treating the problem. For anyone with severe cystic acne, a systemic treatment in combination with a healthy diet can be just what your skin needs to find real, lasting relief. AcnEase, an herbal acne treatment that works from within, targets the relationship between the hormones and sebaceous glands by creating a buffer between the two, preventing any imbalance from negatively affecting the production of sebum. Safe, effective, and designed with the severity of your acne in mind, AcnEase delivers results without the harmful side effects, making this one skincare solution both your face, and body, can live with in peace!
We want to hear from you! Are there any facts about cystic acne you were surprised to learn? Have any treatment tips for anyone with cystic acne, or scarring? Tell us in the comments!