How to Use AcnEase® Effectively to Get The Best Results
For anyone introducing a new step into their existing skincare or acne regimen, or for anyone on their acne treatment journey, the process can be both exciting and challenging. We all look to treatment to achieve clear skin – but having “a map” guiding us through the steps needed to take us there can make any transition a little smoother.
Do I Get Acne?
Acne is attributed to a hormonal imbalance, which
can affect the function of the sebaceous glands, whose job it is to create sebum, or oil. This oil travels along
the pore to hydrate and protect the skin on the surface. When too much sebum becomes
clogged within a pore and pairs with dead skin cells from the surface, bacteria
forms, triggering an inflammatory response from the body. The result of that
response usually appears as red, swollen bumps known as pimples, a symptom of
acne. This process is known as the acne cascade.
It’s important to understand that acne starts forming long before we witness a
pimple on the surface of our skin. This is why treating the problem internally
and externally is our best bet at achieving real results. Topical face washes
and creams can make for a great way to eliminate dead skin cells from the
surface, and AcnEase will work from within to target the overproduction of oil
at it’s source, eliminating acne for long-term results that last!
Why You Made a Smart Choice
AcnEase® is one of the leading PERSONALIZED natural acne treatments that treat acne from the inside out. It not only eliminates symptoms, but also most importantly, prevents acne from returning by mitigating the effects that hormones have on the sebaceous glands, and returning them to normal activity. The minimum treatment is one month, but depending on the chronic nature or severity of your acne, the treatment could take longer.
Your Map to The Best & Quickest Way to Get Results
More than likely, you’ve purchased a one-month treatment. Each treatment requires a specific number of bottles for one-month (for example, mild teen acne (3 bottles), mild-to moderate adult acne (5 bottles), severe acne, (7 bottles)). Each treatment requires a different daily dose (number of tablets daily). Instructions come with your order.
Make sure you chose the right treatment. We created a simple way for people to see what type of acne they have and which AcnEase treatment would be the best for them. If you didn’t check out this link, then the first step is to make sure you’re on the right acne treatment so that you see the best results. Many people think that just because they have had mild acne for years, this means they don’t have a severe case of acne. Or many people think that oily skin, or blackheads/whiteheads isn’t even acne. This is again why it’s so important to check our AcnEase treatment guide first before you purchase. If for some reason you don’t think you’re on the right treatment, contact us and we’d be glad to guide you to the best treatment for you.
How to take it. We usually recommend taking AcnEase shortly before meals with water. However, if this presents any inconvenience or discomfort, you can take AcnEase with meals. Don’t take it on a full stomach (AFTER the meal) as all the digestive activity that occurs after the meal may lower or slow down the absorption of the ingredients. If you forget to take AcnEase before or with a meal, wait about 30 minutes after you finish the meal to take it.
If you forget or skip AcnEase all together, do not take a double dose. It will not hurt you but there is only as much of the “good stuff” that can be absorbed. So wait until the next scheduled time to take it, and please don’t forget it again!
Stick to the daily routine. The dosage instructions come with your order. The regimens we recommend are based on both clinical and experimental data. So, as with any other medicine or health product, compliance is a crucial condition for success. You need to get enough of the active ingredients, regularly and in an uninterrupted manner to improve your acne. We promise it is easier than you think. Just stick to the routine.
Seeing Results. Of course we all want to see results as soon as possible. Some people see results in 7-10 days, and for others, especially those with severe, chronic or body acne, it can take 2-3 months or sometimes even longer to see truly clear skin. Patience and a positive mindset come’s in to play here. We know this is easier said than done, and you may have already been through a long journey trying to get rid of your acne, but just know, we have a 96% user success rate. So again, with compliance and perseverance, clear skin is achieved for the majority of our users. If you have questions at any time about this during your journey, you can always contact us on Facebook or
Do not have any lapses in treatment. When you get to the end of your first month on the treatment, and you haven’t seen the results you were truly looking for, it’s very important not to have a lapse in treatments if you choose to get another treatment. So we usually recommend that 3 weeks into the treatment, you order another treatment (for international customers we recommend doing this 2 weeks in or order 2 treatments at a time) so that there is enough time for you to receive the treatment before the first one ends. Also, if you are going away for a few days or an extended period of time, don’t forget it. When it isn’t taken properly, its like any medicine and will not be as effective.
At the end of the treatment. After people have seen the results they were looking for, some people stop taking AcnEase without weaning off of it. This is a big disruption to your body. So we usually highly recommend that you wean off slowly once you think you’re done. Whichever level you’re on, go down to the next level for a week or two. If you don't experience any issues, continue with this process until you’re either off or down to a maintenance dose. Many people decide to stay on a maintenance dose indefinitely as part of their daily skincare routine – this is completely safe to do long term.
Creating a healthy acne-free lifestyle. Our blog was named one of the best skincare blogs for the past 2 years, next to Allure magazine, so please use our tips for the best acne skincare, diet and special DIY masks and treats to support your regimen. This is free advice!
So just how does AcnEase work to treat acne from within? By using safe and effective herbal ingredients, AcnEase works to create a buffer between the hormones and sebaceous glands, ensuring that only the amount of oil needed to properly hydrate the skin is produced - no more, no less.
This means no harmful side-effects as the function of the hormones will not become affected by treatment, and because it limits the amount of sebum produced to only what’s needed, you won’t have to play those frustrating guessing games with a topical wash that may overdry the skin. AcnEase is formulated to treat all types of acne, from blackheads to bacne to cysts, mild or severe, and with a 96% user success rate, it can make for a great solution for anyone with especially stubborn symptoms who have struggled to find relief elsewhere. AcnEase works to treat existing symptoms while preventing new acne formation before it starts.
Ask Dr. Agnes - CEO of Herborium and natural medicine expert