Real Stories From AcnEase Customers

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YouTuber Testimonials

Blogger Testimonials

"I love this treatment”- Cassandra 

"I tried everything ... thanks to AcnEase I finally won the battle against acne" - Danny

"My acne has totally disappeared" - Marie

"What seemed impossible, eliminate all these pimples and minimize my pores, has finally achieved through this product, in just one week.” - Amanda

"I discovered the ultimate solution through AcnEase" - Dayvee Sutton

“The changes I have seen so far are remarkable.”  AcnEase has been a “bit life-changing.” - Jamie 

Site Testimonials

Chronic Acne - Anonymous

I was wondering if you could post my testimonial, but sign it as anonymous.  Thank you very much for a great product. I've been  using Acnease for 10 weeks with great results. I'm a 23 year old female, and have suffered with acne for about 11 years without a day of peace.  I've seen numerous dermatologists, skin specialists,and facialists without much success. I've been on every topical cream known (all of which left my sensitive skin dry and itchy),and have been on numerous courses of antibiotics (which  left me with systemic candida). This past year,I went off contraceptives, which flared my acne terribly, and caused severe cystic  acne on my chin and jaw line. Desperate for an answer and not wanting to poison my body with more drugs, I turned to many  herbal products.  I even got a custom made formula for acne from a local herb shop.  I found, however,that this exacerbated my  existing acne to the point where I had about 10 cysts at once!  The next day, I decided to start taking the Acnease I had  purchased a few days earlier while surfing on the web. Within 2-3 weeks the cysts had cleared.  Since then, my skin has progressed extremely well, with less and less breakouts. The breakouts are less inflammatory and clear quicker than they did before.

I'm a very skeptical person, and definitely had doubts purchasing a product off the internet, especially with the number of times I've been burned (literally!)with acne products.  But this has worked wonders, and I haven't experienced any side effects at all.  Thanks to Herborium for making a great product.

Anonymous, 23

Chronic Acne - Mary

For years I have suffered from acne. I am 26 now, and started seeing a dermatologist when I was 14. I have tried everything from antibiotics, and creams to Acutane. Finding a natural cure with no side effects has been such a blessing. I no longer get those deep pimples that hurt and the scarring that I have from years of acne is starting to improve as well. I am truly amazed at how quickly your product began to clear up my complexion. The only complaint I have is how expensive your product is, but in many ways, it is worth every penny. Thank you.

Mary, 26

Acne - Jessica

I have had acne ever since I came out of the womb... so it seems. I have tried every acne medication you could possibly think of...Pro-Active, Murad,Retinol A, Differin Gel, Monocycline, Doxycycline, and even Accutane. Nothing seemed to work. Accutane did help my skin but for only a short period of time and it was very dangerous to take. AcneEase IS AWESOME!!! IT IS ALL NATURAL AND IT REALLY WORKS! I have been taking AcneEase for about 3 to 4 months now and I have seen a really big difference in my skin. Nothing is perfect, but this product comes pretty close to it. You just have to give it some time. I noticed a change within weeks of usage. I encourage all you out there to give it a try and you will see what I am talking about.


Moderate to Severe Cystic Acne - Amber

I just wanted to say that I am very impressed with the results of this product! I have only been using Acnease for a week and I have already noticed a decrease in the number of pimples and cysts on my face and neck as well as in the amount of redness and swelling associated with these pimples and cysts. I have suffered from moderate to severe cystic acne for about 2 years now and this seems to be the only thing that has really worked for my skin! Not only has it already begun clearing my problem skin, but I have even noticed a more even tone and a smoother texture. While initially expecting this medication to take several months to show any improvements (if any), I was very surprised to wake up and already begin to see a more beautiful complexion. I have tried every over-the-counter and prescription acne medication imaginable,and this is the only thing I have tried that works so quickly and efficiently without drying or irritating my skin. It's nice to be able to finally take an effective drug minus the worry of dangerous and bothersome side effects!Although the price may seem a bit steep at first glance, it's worth every penny. Besides, it's a definite bargain compared to the thousands of dollars I have wasted in the past on pointless doctor visits and useless products! I have finally found my winning product and I couldn't be any happier!


Acne - L.T.

I have been using Acnease for approximately 3 weeks and my skin has cleared up considerably, even though I have been sweating.  I had a recent breakout from using the wrong kind of so-called oil free foundation, I have stopped using the foundation as well, and Acnease has helped my skin so much.  I am 42 years old and have been plagued with acne ever since I was13.  It has been an on-going battle for me and very depressing to the point where I didn't want to go to school and later on didn't want to go to work and sometimes didn't want to leave the house.  My son is 13 and has the same problem.  I started him on Acnease and it has helped him quite a bit (if only I can get him to take it when he's supposed to, it would probably clear him up all the way). Thanks Acnease, you have helped so much, clearing my face and also understanding why I get acne. 

L.T., 42

Acne - Maggie

Thank you for producing a natural remedy for acne.  I was a one of the lucky few who had no acne trouble at all during high school; however, my trouble started at about 20 years of age.  For so long I just lived with the breakouts on my chin,thinking they would go away.  Finally at the age of 31, after trying a few department store products, (Pro-activ, Mary Kay, and Murad) I decided to give Acnease a try.  Within a week to 10 days I noticed significant improvement,and completely clear skin after one month.  I continued to take a regular dose (4 pills/twice daily) for another 3 months.  Then I decided to see how my skin would be without taking Acnease at all.  It stayed clear...I could not believe it.  After 10 years of always having some sort of blemish on my face, I had clear skin.  Thank you for giving me confidence to go out without make up again. 

Maggie, 31

Moderate Acne - JML

I was shocked to find out how effective these little pills are.  I never had an acne problem until I stopped taking birth control.  Since then I had moderate acne on a constant basis until AcnEase. I have tried every external remedy and concoction to try and stop the blemishes.  Only AcnEase started to work within 7 days.  I will never be without it on hand.


Acne - Rachael

You guys are amazing with your delivery and customer service and your product actually does work.


Breakouts and Scarring - BC

I've been using AcnEase for 9 days and have had amazing results. For the first time in months I do not have any active breakouts on my face. The scars I do have are fading! I'm so thrilled with the results.

Thank you!

BC, 34

Cystic Acne - Doreen

This was my final attempt before turning to the dreaded Accutane (which I did NOT want to take), but after two weeks I started seeing a difference.

I struggled with cystic acne since I was 16 and now I'm 21.  This product is the BEST thing that has ever happened to me and I can't thank you enough. If you need a spokes person, I'm your girl!

Doreen, 21

Acne - Brooke

I have been taking AcneEase for about two weeks now.  I cannot tell you anything other than I went from my skin being in the worst condition I had seen it in in years to completely clear. Since I started taking it, I had one pimple pop up that never even fully developed, and have had no others surface.

I am getting married in less than two weeks and I bought the product out of desperation to have my skin clear up before the wedding. It was horrible before. I wish I had taken a before picture to show you. I am so excited about your product I will certainly be a repeat customer.

Thank you so much!


Chronic Acne - Richard

I am 45 years old and have SUFFERED from chronic acne since I was 18. I not only tried every product on the market, I also got years of antibiotics from my dermatologist. I felt like the antibiotics that had helped, only some were no longer working at all. AcnEase in its place not only worked better, but I felt it was better for me.

Keep in mind I have had chronic acne on my face and on my chest and back for years and AcnEase is the ONLY thing that ever worked. It is very important to me to maintain these wonderful results I am currently seeing. I feel great. 

I have had some cystic acne as well -- much improved since Acnease.

Richard, 45

Persistant Mild to Moderate Acne - Ryan

I have suffered with mild to moderate acne for most of my teenage and adult life.In Canada we are lucky to have a great health care program, and I was always regularly able to visit dermatologists. I was given numerous topical treatments and antibiotics. Many times these prescriptions worked for a while. My skin would clear completely, but then break out again after my skin got used to theme dication. In my final year of university I used Accutane. At the end of the Accutane treatment my skin was flawless. However, I suffered from hearing problems that I am certain was a result of Accutane. Two and a half years after Accutane my skin started breaking out again.

I had my most severe breakout at age 26 after a stressful year of work- I am an elementary school teacher. I changed my diet and went to anaturopath/reflexologist for my skin. My skin finally calmed down and to further improve my skin I decided to look for a natural product on the internet.

I accidentally came across Acnease and decided to try it. I saw results after a couple weeks of use. My skin was flawless again for four to five months. That was about three years ago and I have used Acnease for about 6 months per year for the past three years. The product is a bit expensive and I wish I could just buy it in a drug store. However, the product does work if you drink a lot of water with it, eat healthy, live a healthy lifestyle, and remain stress free.

I've realized that stress plays a huge role in my acne. If you are going to abuse your body and take Acnease I am not confident it will work for you, but if you live a fairly healthy lifestyle and take the Acnease you can see dramatic results. I am happy I discovered this product although I do wish it was more readily available and less expensive.

Thanks again,

Ryan M.

Severe Acne - L.S.

I had severe acne and used this product. I have before and after photos to prove the wonderful results. I can honestly say my skin is perfectly clear. Today I am ordering for my 14 yr. old daughter. I trust this product that much. A million thanks, you''ve saved me a lot of expensive dermatology bills.


Results in 9 days - A.S.

I've been using AcnEase for 9 days and have had amazing results. For the first time in months I do not have any active breakouts on my face. The scars I do have are fading! I'm so thrilled with the results.
Thank you!


Cystic Acne - GS McHugh

We purchased the first 5 bottles a month ago and have seen a great improvement in my son''s cystic acne. We want to continue to use the product to see if we can clear it up completely.
Thank You

GS McHugh

Persistent Acne - Kacie Boyden

I have never written a testimonial before, but I feel this product deserves one. I've had acne since i was 12 and I am now 24 yrs old.Nothing ever worked like AcneEase. I tried lots of stuff from the doctor(minocycline, tetracycline ,topical gels, birth control) The birth control was the only thing that seemed to help. however, after a while my acne was worse than ever, big cysts and breakouts everywhere. So in desperation I looked online and found AcneEase. After just one month, my skin looked so amazing!

I ordered 3 bottles, and so I didn't take any once I  finished them after about 4 months or so I started breaking out a little bit,just small ones.It annoyed me so I ordered some more and I am pleased to say that 2 weeks into it, I am acne free again! I am now a very devoted customer and I have recommended it to all my friends. I have no idea how this stuff works better than all the stuff from the dermatologist but I am glad it does! And someone should really tell all the dermatologists about this stuff, it is simply amazing.

Thank you so much for making me love my skin!

Kacie Boyden, Palm Beach Gardens, FL

Hormonal Adult Acne - Nicole

I've tried so many products out there, but nothing really worked. I never had acne as a teenage. It all started when I became an adult.Hormonal acne and cystic acne on my chin. I have very fair skin so I was always red and scared. When I use AcneEase I have less white heads and black heads and my chin clears up as well. I love the fact that it is not bad for my body and is helping balance me out. I highly recommend this to anyone with acne especially cystic acne.


Persistent Acne - LTR

I had acne since 12 and turning 28 I was getting tried of covering my face with make-up. I have tried every thing there is to think about,over the counter stuff, home made remedies and even many dermatologists. I was about to start taking Accutane when I remembered coming across AcneEase website while doing research on how to get rid of my acne.

When I read about the side effects of Accutane when compared to your product I decide why not give it a try. If it did not work well at least I tried. I didn’t get a chance to take a before picture because I was too excited to take your product. It actually works. All of my acne isn’t gone but my face looks so much better than before and I am trying to work on getting rid of the scars. Thank you for creating this product.


Moderate Acne - JML

I was shocked to find out how effective these little pills are. I never had an acne problem until I stopped taking birth control. Since then I had moderate acne on a constant basis until AcnEase. I have tried every external remedy and concoction to try and stop the blemishes. Only AcnEase started to work within 7 days. I will never be without it on hand.


Wedding Emergency - Brooke DeJesus

I have been taking AcneEase for about two weeks now - I cannot tell you anything other than I went from my skin being in the worst condition I had seen it in in years to completely clear. Since I started taking it I had ONE pimple pop up that never even fully developed, and have had no others surface.

I am getting married in less than two weeks and I bought the product out of desperation to have my skin clear up before the wedding. It was horrible before. I wish I had taken a before picture to show you. I am so excited about your product I will certainly be a repeat customer.

Thank you so much!

Brooke DeJesus (soon to be Hammel)
Atlanta, GA

Adult Acne - Laura P.

Thank you for producing a natural remedy for acne. I was a one of the lucky few who had no acne trouble at all during high school; however,my trouble started at about 20 years of age. For so long I just lived with the breakouts on my chin, thinking they would go away.

Finally at the age of 31, after trying a few department store products, Pro-activ, Mary Kay, and Murad I decided to give AcnEase a try. Within a week to 10 days I noticed significant improvement and completely clear skin after one month. I continued to take a regular dose (4 pills/twice daily) for another 3 months. Then I decided to see how it my skin would be without taking AcnEase at all. It stayed clear...I could not believe it. After 10 years of always having some sort of blemish on my face, I had clear skin. Thank you for giving me confidence to go out without make up again.

Laura P.

Adult and Teen Acne - Ellen L.

I have been using Acnease for approximately 3 weeks and my skin hascleared up considerably, even though I have been sweating. I had breakouts from using the wrong kind of so-called oil free foundation, I have stopped using the foundation as well, and Acnease has helped my skin so much.

I am 42 years old and have been plagued with acne ever since I was13. It has been an on-going battle for me and very depressing to the point where I didn't want to go to school and later on didn't want to go to work and sometimes didn't want to leave the house.

My son is 13 and has the same problem, I started him on Acnease and it has helped him quite a bit, if only I can get him to take it when he's supposed to, it would probably clear him up all the way. Thanks Acnease, you have helped so much, clearing my face and also understanding why I get acne.

Ellen L.

Cystic Acne - Drea M.

I have to say that I'm about to turn 22 in a couple weeks and I've had acne since I was 13.... I've tried Proactiv, Murad, Dermalogica and EVERYTHING else out there. Over the years my acne just got worse; within the last few years it's become cystic acne. Within the first two weeks of using your product, the big cystic lumps on my face were nearly gone! They usually take MONTHS to go away completely. After about 5 weeks I was pleased with my results: the overall tone was even and smooth, no more red patchy spots... until I had a rude awakening. You see, I also suffer from ulcers so I can only eat certain things... Well what happened to me was that I got my period--and, with it, came my hormones and the uncontrollable urges: coffee, sugary donuts, candy bars, morecandy bars, hamburgers and fries, you name it! I was crushed to see my skin "back to normal". I instantly began to realize this pattern I've had, despite my best efforts to take care of my sensitive stomach. I was nearly depriving myself of everything then BOOM!

It was like crash-dieting. But I've definitely learned a POWERFUL lesson: you truly are what you eat! My skin looked beautiful until I indulged my cravings but I'm not worried--I know in a couple weeks I will have great looking skin again thanks to your product!!

So not only have I found something that REALLY works, I've also been able to pinpoint the issue and can now prevent it!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I finally can start living without embarrassment or hesitation!

Drea M.

Cystic Acne - Amber

I just wanted to say that I am very impressed with the results of this product! I have only been using AcneEase for a week and I have already noticed a decrease in the number of pimples and cysts on my face and neck as well as in the amount of redness and swelling associated with these pimples and cysts.

AcnEase seems to be the only thing that has really worked for my skin! I have finally found my winning product and I couldn't be any happier!

I have suffered from moderate to severe cystic acne for about 2 years now and this seems to be the only thing that has really worked for my skin! Not only has it already begun clearing my problem skin, but I have even noticed a more even tone and a smoother texture. While initially expecting this medication to take several months to show any improvements (if any), I was very surprised to wake up and already begin to see a more beautiful complexion. I have tried every over-the-counter and prescription acne medication imaginable, and this is the only thing I have tried that works so quickly and efficiently without drying or irritating my skin.

It's nice to be able to finally take an effective drug minus the worry of dangerous and bothersome side effects! Although the price may seem a bit steep at first glance, it's worth every penny. Besides, it's a definite bargain compared to the thousands of dollars I have wasted in the past on pointless doctor visits and useless products! I have finally found my winning product and I couldn't be any happier!


Peristent Acne - Jessica

I have had acne ever since I have come out of the womb... so it seems like. I have tried every acne medication you could possibly think of. I have tried Pro-Active, Murad, Retinol A, Differin Gel, Monocycline,Doxycycline, and even Accutane. Nothing seemed to work. Accutane didn't help my skin but for only a short period of time and it was very dangerous to take.

Acnease IS AWESOME!!! IT IS ALL NATURAL AND IT REALLY WORKS! I have been taking acnease for about 3 to 4 months now and I have seen a really big difference in my skin. Nothing is perfect, but this product comes pretty close to it. You just have to give it some time. I noticed a change within weeks of usage. I encourage all you out there to give it a try and you will see what I am talking about.

Jacksonville Fl.

Rosacea and Mild Acne - H. G.

I have been using 12 tablets a day for four months. I suffer from Rosacea and mild acne. I got a lot of yellow pustules on my face especially around my chin, the side of my nose, my nose and my forehead. This area was usually red and irritated. The usual triggers:- alcohol, spicy food, tea coffee, anything hot, made it a lot worse. Sugar seemed to irritate it. I also had mild acne on my back in the form of blackheads and occasion spots. My pores on my face were quite enlarged. I have been like this since my teens, but now I am in my 30's I seemed to be getting worse not better.

I saw your product whilst browsing on the internet and tried it. The first 2 months cleared up very well. The second two months even better! My face has calmed right down. I do have the occasion pustule and slight redness, but everyone has noticed the difference. I noticed that the second batch of tablets were easier to swallow that the first and seemed more effective. Thank you for such a good product. I am hoping to be able to cut down the dosage soon.

H. G.

Persistent Acne and Rosacea - Male - A.G.

Just a quick note to tell you how much I love AcnEase. I am three and a half weeks into my first month's course and the results are amazing.

I have a combination of mild acne and Rosacea which has been stubborn and resistant to various treatments for several years. AcnEase is amazing! The Rosacea is quickly fading, not to mention the acne. I have just received a second months supply and again cannot begin to tell you how excited I am with the results. Thanks for a fantastic product.


Chronic Acne, Accutane User - Adrian

In order to lend encouragement to the endless sufferers of long-term acne I wish to also come forward. Like many others my acne began as a teenager. During the course of the past ten years I have taken numerous courses of Oxytetracycline and Minocycline, whilst using prescribed,high strength, Benzoyl Peroxide creams.

After four years of my symptoms getting markedly worse I asked that I be treated by a specialist dermatologist as opposed to a General Practitioner. The dermatologist took one look and moved me onto Roaccutane. If you are reading this then you probably already know about the range of side effects, they are all very real. I was prepared to take risks for my skin and there was a definite improvement.Unfortunately just six months after a lengthy course of the Accutane product I was slowly getting back to the terrible skin I had grown up with.

Within one week of four tablets in the morning, four tablets in the evening, Acnease improved things massively. By the end of the four weeks I had no acne at all.

Of course I had red scaring from the many years of Acne. The best thing about that time is you can start actually letting your skin heal! - all that drying from creams and washes, chemicals, antibiotics, helping to make you unhealthy on the inside as well as out! that is all finally done with! At this point why not drink plenty of water and look to improve your diet a little more, giving your body the break it finally deserves after it gave you the skin you wanted for so long.

I never quit at anything - and when the answers are there and you find them you will feel so alive. If one person ends the suffering I went through my words will have achieved what I wanted.


Chronic Cystic Acne - Anonymous

I've been using Acnease for 10 weeks with great results. I'm a 23 year old female, and have suffered with acne for about 11 years without a day of peace. I've seen numerous dermatologists, skin specialists, and facialists without much success. I've been on every topical cream known(all of which left my sensitive skin dry and itchy), and have been on numerous courses of antibiotics (which left me with systemic candida).

This past year, I went off contraceptives, which flared my acne terribly, and caused severe cystic acne on my chin and jaw line.Desperate for an answer and not wanting to poison my body with more drugs, I turned to many herbal products. I even got a custom made formula for acne from a local herb shop. I found, however, that this exacerbated my existing acne to the point where I had about 10 cysts at once! The next day, I decided to start taking the Acnease I had purchased a few days earlier while surfing on the web.

Within 2-3 weeks the cysts had cleared. Since then, my skin has progressed extremely well, with less and less breakouts. The breakouts are less inflammatory and clear quicker than they did before. I started taking 12 tabs a day due to the fact that I suffer from back and chest acne as well, and took that amount for about 7 weeks. Then I moved it down to 8, and now 6. If I continue to do well, I'm going to go to a maintenance dose of 4. Acnease has also dramatically helped my dry,itchy scalp, and has helped my GI as well. I used to suffer from pain and acid reflux, but those issues have resolved.

Acnease has truly been a tremendous product. I'm a very skeptical person, and definitely had doubts purchasing a product off the internet, especially with the number of times I've been burned (literally!) with acne products. But this has worked wonders, and I haven't experienced any side effects at all. Thanks to Herborium for making a great product.
