Real Stories From AcnEase Customers

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"I love this treatment”- Cassandra 

"I tried everything ... thanks to AcnEase I finally won the battle against acne" - Danny

"My acne has totally disappeared" - Marie

"What seemed impossible, eliminate all these pimples and minimize my pores, has finally achieved through this product, in just one week.” - Amanda

"I discovered the ultimate solution through AcnEase" - Dayvee Sutton

“The changes I have seen so far are remarkable.”  AcnEase has been a “bit life-changing.” - Jamie 

Site Testimonials

Acne - A.B.

Female, 25

Three weeks into treatment and starting to clear up!


Chronic Acne - O.

Female, 22

I purchased AcneEase only a few weeks ago and I would like to say THANK YOU! Within the past two weeks I have been so much more confident than I can remember for so long now. I had severe acne since I was 11yrs. old. I am now 22. I had C0.2 laser surgery done to get rid of the acne scars in January and with the help of is healing the way it should .The surgery was only to get rid of the scars, not the acne. AcnEase can take care of that part. After so long, I finally can walk with my head up. THANK YOU


Chronic Adult Acne - C.H.

Female, 44

First I would like to say thanks a million to whoever made this product. I have been suffering with cystic acne and oily skin for 31 of my 44 years. In fact, prior to me purchasing the one months supply of this product I had three medium sized painful cystic acne pimples. Notice, I said, I had.

I noticed a change in my skin the first week of treatment consisting of 8 tablets per day. 4 in the morning and 4 before bed. I am now into my third week and my skin is unbelievably clear except for a few acne scars; which are improving day by day. This product is remarkable. Even my oily skin, is extremely balanced and has a flawless appeal.

My seventeen year old daughter noticed the change in my skin and wanted to know what I was doing differently. Oh well, I guess I'll be ordering this product for her too ;).


Teen Acne - P.E.

Male, 18

Its so effective,!!!! I recommend it for guys and teens because its natural.


Hormonal Acne - K.H.

Female, 22

I am so grateful to have found Acnease! It is the single best product I have ever used. I have been using Acease for about a month on the higher 12 tablet a day dosage and my skin is almost totally clear! I began to see results after about a week of use and from then on my skin as continually improved. My acne problem was related to a hormonal imbalance due to taking and terminating oral contraceptives. I tried virtually every product out there: ProActiv, Serious Skin Care, Antibiotics, vitamins, and miscellaneous recommended herbs but nothing every helped. It was only after I started Acnease that my skin began to become calmer and clearer. I will be taking another month of treatment for perfect skin. It is unfortunate that people have to spend so much money on dermatologists and get such little results. Today is my birthday and there is no better gift for me then clear skin.


Rosacea - L.E.

Female, 35

There is nothing worse than going back to puberty but that is what happened to me. I thought that I had gone through the Acne stage years ago until I discovered I had Rosacea. I tried every known product on the market and between the embarrassment and products which did not work, I was just about ready to hit the panic button. That is until I discovered AcnEase. I admit that I was skeptical about it working for me but that skepticism went away when I began to see the results. My skin has never felt healthier, along with my total outlook on life. When you feel self conscious, it affects your everyday life. AcnEase not only cures Rosacea also gives you a brand new outlook on life itself. I also have started using it on my daughter who at 13 is starting to experience Acne. She thinks it is pretty neat that mom and her share the same medicine!

L.E. MS March 2002

Acne & Rosacea - E.K.

Female, 31

Well, thanks to AcneEase. I have only used AcneEase for less than 2 weeks and I have seen a very great improvement. I hope that at the end of one month I will be totally clear. Thank you very much.


Adult Acne - C.P.

Female, 38

I am into my third month of using Acnease and am very pleased with the results. The acne is only occasional, and not as severe when I do get it. Thank you and Take Care!


Acne - E.A.

Male, 19

ITS THE ONLY PRODUCT that has been so effective removing my acne COMPLETELY. I wish I could buy it more often/easy.


Acne - J.F.

Male, 22

I feel like it takes the edge off of my hormones a bit, and helps manage my acne.


Teen Acne - S.K.

Female, 15

I tried proactive and didn't see much results so u guys are my last hope cuz ive tried everything else.


Chronic Acne - A.S.

Male, 24

I have had chronic acne since age 16 or so. This is the only product that has worked aside from oral antibiotics, and without the liver toxicity I got from those drugs. I have been using it on the higher dose for about one and a half months, with about 50% overall improvement. I will keep going until it is completely cleared up. This is a real miracle for acne sufferers, too bad it is not more well known to the public. Thanks


Teen Acne - A.M.

Male, 18

So far I am 2 weeks into the treatment and it has worked wonders. My face is 75% clearer and on its way to perfection. Thanks Herborium!


Acne - R.S.


Hi, we had spoken over the phone. Everything has been resolved. I have completed my first month at 8 pills daily and I am now on the 4 pill daily. I noticed a definite improvement within the first 5-6 days, and I noticed the texture and clarity of my skin continue to improve through the fourth week. The occasional one or two blemishes that I have gotten since on the medication have been non-inflammatory. Also, I have noticed a definite decrease in the oiliness of my skin. I am quite amazed at the results. I would be tempted to even try it for a second month at 8 pills daily since its safe, and effective, so why not go for perfection? Thank you for a fantastic product,


Persistent Acne - anonymous

Female, 22

Oily Skin

I have had a persistent problem with acne for 5 years. During the past 5 years I have tried every prescription and nonprescription drug available. The medications I have used in the past didn't work for me or they had negative side effects. I was giving up on the idea of having clear skin, as a last resort I tried AcnEase. This product is incredible, I noticed results within the first week. After 1 month my skin was clear. For the first time in 5 years my face is no longer oily. AcnEase is the only product I have taken with no side effects. I would like to thank you for this wonderful product. I would strongly recommend this product to anybody with acne since it has dramatic and immediate results.

Mild Rosacea - F.D.

Male, 46

Daily GI Discomfort

I was not taking any medication for my Rosacea at the time. I was taking Prilosec for my constant gastric reflux and heartburn. My condition was deteriorating from the standpoint that the selection of foods I could eat without experiencing significant GI problems was rapidly approaching zero. I heard about AcnEase from a doctor in Maryland that had good experience with the product with one of his patients. When I first started taking AcnEase I used the minimal dose that was effective for treating Acne (6 tablets/day). I noticed some improvement but did not take the drug religiously. After speaking with my friend I increased the dose to 8 tablets/day and within 2 weeks my condition had improved significantly, and within 1 month I was eating most of the food I experienced problems with before starting AcnEase. I have experienced no side effects with AcnEase. My Rosacea has not flared-up while taking AcnEase, but my real satisfaction is derived from the remarkable GI improvement I have experienced.


Moderate Hormonal Acne - K.G.

Female, 25

Dry Hair

I have done much acne research and tried all the different skin potions with salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, even Skinoren and Retin-A creams and got nothing but dried out irritated skin. When I saw AcnEase I was exited about it because it was natural and addressed the real issue of systemic androgens that I knew were causing my acne. I saw immediate results after 2 weeks and almost no acne after 4 weeks. I took a 2 month treatment, than had a break of 2 months and now I am on maintenance dose. My skin has no breakouts anymore! It is incredibly much calmer and cleaner inside out. This treatment also improved my dry hair so much. I recommend it for everyone with acne.


Adult Acne - P.D.

Female, 48

Dry Hair

After years of a clear skin - this year I have experienced increasing breakouts and even more persistent cysts on my face and back. My doctor informed me that they are a result of menopausal changes I am going through. His position was to use the make up and do not worry about them. Obviously it was not an answer. I have looked around for a while to find a right solution for me since the ointments including salicylic and retinoic acid were not an option- as my skin is getting more dry with age. The friend recommended AcnEase and the results were great. Not only my skin has clear up but my hair is less dry, and my skin has regain a youthful clean look. Now my sixteen years old son is using AcnEase for his acne and his face and back have improved significantly in just 2 weeks. He also stopped complaining about messy ointments he had tried to use before. 

P. D. NJ

Adult Hormonal Acne and Hair Problem - M.D.


Dry Hair

I am an Afro-American Female who was diagnosed as having "Adult Hormonal Acne". I have been treating my acne conditions by taking a prescription antibiotic every month for the last couple of years. As a black female who also had a relaxer in my hair, I found that one of the side effects to taking an antibiotic was that it caused hair breakage. What kid of choice is this?

So I decided to go hair natural but my hair was still very resistant to moisturizers. Then in last couple of weeks I was introduced to AcnEase, which was Heaven Sent. With days the painful miniature cysts, which were approaching, were cleared up. No Pain! I was so much more confident because we all know when your face isn't right, nothing is right! I love AcnEase also because in addition to my face being more radiant and blemish free, my hair was full of moisture. This product is so remarkable! When your Face looks good and your hair is right, you feel better about everything, your whole outlook is healthier.

I feel healthy and clean, free from toxins of antibiotics and it is so refreshing to take an all-natural herbal treatment. What a great choice AcnEase!


Rosacea - A.D.

Female, 47

GI Problems

I am female, age 47 with moderate Rosacea and frequent Episodes of GI Distress. I am a Registered Nurse. Prior Therapy included daily Tetracycline and topical metronidazole. The initial response was a decrease in facial redness but frequent flare-ups were common. Family History: Father and grandfather both had moderate Rosacea with evidence of telangiectasis, both were of Irish origin. The major problem involved an ever-increasing problem with stomach pain initially associated with meals but progressing to near daily episodes of severe GI discomfort. Frequent use of Tums, Maalox or Pepto Bismol was initially able to alleviate the stomach disorders. The oral antibiotics aggravated the stomach disorders. I progressed to the point that antacids were no longer effective and I needed Pepcid or Tagamet to get through the day. A friend of mine introduced me to AcnEase relating he had success using the product for his teenage son and daughters acne. I was skeptical at first since I am a Registered Nurse and not familiar with TCM's. My condition was deteriorating and I finally decided to try AcnEase. It was the best decision I ever made. Within 3 days my stomach problems had improved no more need for Pepcid, and within a week I no longer needed antacids. My facial flushing was reduced and I have no signs of telangiectasis. Within 1 month my condition was markedly improved and now I only take a small maintenance dose to keep my Rosacea under control. If I start to experience GI problems I simply up the dose. I have had no side effects at all with this wonderful drug and I would recommend it anyone with Rosacea especially if they have stomach related problems.

A.D., MD